Friday, January 29, 2010

New Project

So Natalie has commissioned me to create dog boots for her 2 dogs and possibly her neighbor's dog as well. I've created a completed design and miniature pattern on paper. After Natalie gives me the dimensions of one of her dogs' feet I just need to find the correct materials and create a prototype and see how it works.

Monday, January 25, 2010

First attempt at photo emulsion failed.

I was able to create the frame/screen using silk mesh and stretcher bars I bought at Walser's on Friday and applied photo emulsion onto it. I allowed for it to dry overnight and attempted to expose the screen with a Mayhem decal. I was too lazy to wait for the proper light source however so nothing happened and the screen is most likely ruined and I'll have to create a new one. Trial and error I suppose.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Upon reflection I realized that I failed to have a section for projects I've actually completed; such as:
  • Monster Girl dress for Rachel
  • Jordan's Octopus
  • 9 Munny for Pop Monster

I've also failed to complete the Anti-Sora costume from way back when. I think that was intended for either 2007 or 2008. Either way I would like to restart that.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

First Post

In my attempt to pursue my artistic endeavors I felt that the creation of a blog to create a collection of ideas would allow me to organize my thoughts more efficiently whilst also having a place to refer back should any idea slip my mind.

Currently I have a few projects in mind, but most have been abandoned due to laziness. What usually happens when I come up with a project goes as follows:
  • Minimal research done on google of others who have attempted to do something similar
  • Purchasing of supplies/products needed
  • Stead accumulation of these supplies
  • Once almost gathered, or completely gathered, the drive to pursue the project any further is lost or has been replaced by an even bigger desire to do the next project.

This cycle needs to stop somewhere, but the environmental conditions as of late have been extremely uninspiring and any attempt will have to wait until said conditions improve.

In the coming days I must devise a strategy to assist in keeping my mind focused on the tasks at hand.

Abandoned projects that hopefully will someday be revived:
  • Custom painted dunks/shoes
  • Airbrushing in general
  • Elwire Tron dress
  • Elwire Tron suit
Recent projects I hope don't get put in the abandoned list:
  • Silk Screening
  • Metalsmithing
Things I would really love to learn/do in the future not necessarily related to my artistic endeavors:
  • Learn an instrument
  • Learn to swim
  • Learn to surf
  • Race motorcycles and/or cars